Sunday, May 27, 2012

Five People You'll Meet

1. The self-styled knitting maven. She claims to know 57 varieties of cast on techniques, an equal number of ways to bind off, and the best way to do a left leaning decrease on the purl side of stockinette knit using Eastern combined knitting, but strangely, most of her projects are  hats.
2. The hard core yarnographer. She admits to petting her yarn and  having "yarngasms".  'Nuff said. It's yarn, not your sexual partner.
3. The yarn snob. She equates her worth and yours with what you knit with. Natural fibers are of course the best, but the true yarn snob will sneer at your Brown Sheep Worsted and announce that domestic yarn just isn't the same as imported.
4. The One-True-Way knitter. Hers. Everyone else is doing it wrong.
5. The magic loop fanatics. For them, magic loop is THE answer to everything. Best way to knit socks? Magic loop. Best way to avoid ladders? Magic loop.  Meaning of life? Magic loop.

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