Thursday, October 25, 2012

"I support small business"

I am sick of the politicians and their "I support small business", as if "businessmen" are the only people we should care about. Consider this: a small business, IIRC, is generally considered to be one with 2 to 50 employees. That means that roughly 67 to 98% of people associated with "small business" are employees, not owners. So who really benefits from the politicians promises to support small business? The owners, of course. And what does supporting small business mean? Getting rid of any regulation that hampers the owners' ability to make more money, even at the detriment to their employees?

Then's there's the fantasy that lowering the tax rates on the highest earners will somehow create more jobs. Studies have shown that this is not true, but the Republicans continue to shove it down our throats, perhaps thinking if they say it often enough, it will come true, or enough people will believe it, voting them into office so they can cut the taxes on millionaires like Romney. The same Romney who claimed his show horse as a business expense. I guess since he's trying to sell the American people horseshit, it is a business expense.

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